Biomass, the principal renewable energy source, provides an environmentally neutral source of energy. It is made up of carbon that is captured by plants, and released back into the atmosphere through decay and other processes. In contrast, fossil fuels contain carbon from the Earth’s crust, and burning them adds additional carbon to the atmosphere. Biomass can convert approximately 4,500 exajoules of solar energy per year and 125 gigatonnes of carbon per year into energy. It is estimated that every hectare of forest is capable of delivering approximately 25 exjoules of energy per year.

Hydrogen is another carbon neutral source of energy that is produced by natural processes. This alternative is readily available and requires no fossil fuels, and can be used to power homes, vehicles and other electrical equipment. It is also easily renewable and offers on-demand energy. Biogas is also available and cheap in many places, making it a great choice for a carbon-neutral source of energy.

Solar power is an excellent source of energy. It is a renewable and free resource, and its output is virtually limitless. It is also very inexpensive, and the cost of solar installations has decreased by 70% since 2010. This means that solar power will be more affordable for most homes in North America. This makes solar energy the most attractive and sustainable alternative source of energy.

While solar panels are carbon neutral, the process of manufacturing them can generate a large carbon footprint. If solar panels are made in fossil fuel factories, this carbon footprint can be even higher. Carbon offsets from these companies are a great way to offset solar panels’ carbon footprint and reduce the amount of CO2e released into the atmosphere.

The cost of CO2 would have to be around $800 GJ per ton to be cost-competitive with electrolysis and steam reforming. In addition, solar electricity production costs are far higher than electricity prices. The same is true for storage technologies, which are not yet cost-competitive. The main hurdles remain in terms of scale.

Biomass could provide more than one-quarter of the world’s energy needs by 2035. Better use of degraded, sparse woodlands and grasslands could yield more biofuels than they currently do. Today, about half of the world’s population still uses charcoal and firewood to fuel their stoves and boilers. This is inefficient and causes harmful emissions. More efficient stoves can save up to 10 exajoules per year. For more details on solar power visit